Tile drainage installations increase yields
Properly installed tile drainage can consistently increase crop yields on farms by 29 to 36 percent.
Tile drainage installation is not cheap. Installation can cost up to $1,000 an acre or more depending on the property, but tile drainage is a proven way to boost production and revenue potential from your existing land base. A comparison of tile drainage costs versus new land purchase price, make tile drainage a great value with land prices at an all time high. For high-value crops and productive land, tile drainage should be considered an essential capital investment to reduce risk and ensure optimal yields.
Not just about yields
The benefits of tile go beyond yields. With less surface runoff occurring, soil losses can be reduced by 90%. Tile releases water slowly and over a long period of time.
There are tax advantages to tile installs. Tile drainage costs are fully deductible in the current tax year, or you can maximize the benefit by carrying all or part of the expense forward for up to five years.
Shifts in production practices across Canada over recent years make tile drainage even more valuable to Canadian farmers. Reduced tillage and no-till planting techniques along with earlier planting seasons make it essential to have fields that dry quickly and uniformly. Closely spaced tile can also help minimize compaction common with wet sections in spring and fall.
Self-installed tiling
GPS technology and computer software that takes land elevations into account have made it easier to efficiently map out how tile runs should be oriented to maximum drainage efficiency. The same tools professionals use to map a tile install are available to those who want to do their own tiling with a pull-type tile plow.
Tile plows can be pulled with a tractor. Horsepower requirements depend on soil type and how deep the tile needs to go. A tractor weighing 30,000 pounds or more and a minimum of 200 horsepower are needed for the task. Having a plow lets a farmer get the tile in at the optimal time and you do the least amount of damage and compaction, without having to wait for a contractor to fit in a tight schedule. Owning a plow also allows a farmer to put a short run in to solve a problem spot on demand.
The right drainage installation can help keep the property in top shape. Farmland improvement costs can be substantial, and it’s important to take advantage of all sources of funding available to your farm. Start or expand your farming business now: the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.