Tag Archives: Farm Subsidies

Funding for Farm Upgrades: Grow Your Farm in 2024

Starting or expanding a farm can be a challenge, but is also very rewarding, both financially and in terms of personal satisfaction.

There are many farm grants programs set up to facilitate farm investment and encourage growth.

Farmers regularly apply and receive funding for a variety of business purposes including:

  • Barn construction and upgrades
  • Livestock purchase
  • Seed and fertilizer purchase
  • Tractor and combine purchase or lease
  • Land acquisition and clearing
  • Installation of Irrigation Systems
  • Installation of Tile Drainage
  • Fencing
  • Implementing Technology Upgrades

Farm upgrades can be a great way to drive on-farm productivity in 2023 and for tomorrow.

If you are ready to start or expand a farm, Farm Grants can help find funding. Find funding at:


2024 Farm Grants – Get Started Early

The end of this year is fast approaching; 2024 Will be here soon. Now is the best time for new and existing farmers to ensure that they maximize funding opportunities by applying to any remaining 2021 programs, and getting started early on 2024 programs.

With the harvest season rapidly ending, there is no time better than right now to get any financing, expansion and restructuring plans underway.

Some off-season effort can lead to much better productivity in the growing season. When you are ready to apply for the last 2023 funding programs, and get the 2024 information you need to get a leg up, Farm Grants can help.

Find funding at:


$350 Million in new Funding for Canadian Dairy Industry.

The Canadian Government has just announced two programs worth $350 million for Canada’s dairy sector. The Funding is meant to help farmers and processors invest in new equipment and technologies in order to increase productivity and farm profits.

A closeup of a dairy cow eating hay in the barn - chewing his cud.

A $250 million program will help Canadian dairy farmers update their technology and equipment to boost productivity. Robotic milking equipment, automated feeding systems or new herd management software are examples of what would qualify.

A second $100 million fund for dairy processors would be available to help modernize their operations or diversify product lines for new markets. The idea is to encourage Canadian producers to take advantage of newly opened European markets.

The new assistance package was designed based on what the government heard from the dairy sector during consultations in recent months. The government plans to keep talking to farmers and processors over the next few weeks as it finalizes how the programs will work, including additional online consultations.

In order to maximize the chance fo success for local producers, it is important that they take advantage of this funding: There are a lot of farms that need updating in Canada.

When you are ready to start or expand your farming business, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us Toll-Free at 1-888-231-0075 or Contact us now to find out more!

Equipment for Farming Part 3: Dairy Milking Machines

When running a dairy farm, milk production is the main source of farm revenue, and so the dairy farmer will try to maximize the quality and quantity of milk produced by the herd.  Dairy farming has a unique set of equipment requirements as compared to other types of animal farms focused on raising livestock for consumption. The milking setup and equipment can have a major effect on the efficiency and quality of the milking process.

There are several levels of complexity when it comes to milking equipment. The least complicated is hand milking, which is not really viable for a commercial farm in today’s day and age. As we go from less complicated to more complicated milking equipment setups, we see a whole range of setups starting at the simplest labor intensive vacuum assisted setups all the way to completely automated robotic milking stations.

Fully automatic milking systems are somewhat popular in Europe but remain much less popular in Canada. The majority of dairy farms in the Canadian market continue to use more traditional, cost-effective and easily maintained equipment.

A typical milking machine extracts milk from the cow’s udder by vacuum. They are designed to apply a constant vacuum to the end of the teat to extract the milk, transfer it to a container, and maintain blood circulation with a regular squeeze.

A milking machine installation consists of a system of pipes connecting the various vessels and other components through which air and milk flow. The system operates by vacuum, and therefore requires forces to be applied to function. Atmospheric pressure forces air, and intra-mammary milk pressure forces milk, into the system. The combination of these forces causes flow. To work continuously, air and milk must be removed from the system at appropriate rates. The air is removed with a vacuum pump and the milk is removed by a milk pump.

The right milking equipment can help raise efficiency and keep dairy cattle in top shape.

The cost to build a milking parlor (milking facility) with equipment can range anywhere from $30,000.00 on the low end upwards of $300,000.00 for large and complex installations. Milking equipment costs can be substantial, and it’s important to take advantage of all sources of funding available to your farm. Whatever you decide: Buying new or used equipment will be a key to your on-farm success. Start or expand your farming business now: the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us now to find out more!

Equipment for Farming Part 1: Cattle

In order to properly plan for a new or expanded farming business, proper equipment is a must.

Different kinds of farming require different equipment. Cattle farming is more than just a business, it is a lifestyle. There is paperwork,  production, and everyday chores to keep you busy. Here are just a few:  fence mending, feeding, vehicle maintenance, grazing management and animal health tasks.

A cattle farming operation should be as efficient as possible. This way, an operator can be more productive and have more time for projects and personal time. The right Cattle equipment helps an operation run efficiently. A tractor can pull a trailer that carries feed, and eliminate the need to drag around bins. An auger for the tractor can change digging for fence post installation and repairs from back breaking work to a more manageable task. There are other useful tractor add-ons like a soil turner that will help grass regrow, and attachments to help prepare and harvest hay.

In addition to a tractor, the following groups of equipment are a must have for most cattle operations:
Cattle Handling Equipment
This is the equipment necessary when moving, weighing and inspecting cattle. Equipment includes: calf tables, cattle headgates, squeeze chutes, loading chutes and cattle handling accessories such as weighing scales, head chains and squeeze chute adaptors.

Corral Systems
Corral systems are small enclosures that help contain animals and limit movement. Corral systems are either permanent or portable.  Prices depend on the number of cattle it can hold, as well as additional features. Some corral systems have adjustable alley sections, arena panels, a smaller holding pen, adjustable alley gates and alley frames that can connect directly to a squeeze chute.

Cattle Feeders
This equipment is needed for cattle feeding. Cattle feeders are a must in feedlot settings and are highly recommended for ranchers raising grass-fed cattle. In feedlots it is where cattle are entirely fed; for pasture cattle, it is also needed for giving nutritional supplements. Feeder equipment includes: creep feeders, bale feeders, bulk mineral feeders and bunk feeders.

Waterers and Water Tanks
Large livestock require a lot of water.  Cattle waterers include troughs and bowls. The materials range from galvanized steel to rubber to concrete waterers.

The right cattle equipment can help raise the herd and keep the property in top shape. Farming equipment costs can be substantial, and it’s important to take advantage of all sources of funding available to your farm. Whatever you decide: Buying new or used equipment will be a key to your on-farm success. Start or expand your farming business now: the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us now to find out more!

Farm Grants for Organic Farming

Organic crops are produced without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides or fungicides on land that has been free of these chemicals for at least 3 years. Animal products fed organic grains and forage, synthetic hormones, antibiotics, and drugs can be considered organic.

In order to be considered organic, a producer must be certified by the appropriate certification body in keeping with the Canada Organic Regime.

Land Transition Requirements:

In order to use land fro organic crops, the land must be tended for 36 months with no prohibited inputs (fertilizer, herbicide, etc) before organic status.

Under the Canadian system, new applicants who wish to market organic field crops must apply for certification 15 months prior to the expected marketing date. Existing clients wishing to add new land to their certification must ensure that the land is managed according to the Canadian regulations for at least 12 months prior to certification. The European Equivalency Agreement which came into effect July 2011 now recognizes as organic any product certified under the Canadian system.

Livestock Transition Requirements:

There is a one-year transition for livestock to become organic breeding stock. Breeding stock cannot be sold for organic slaughter. Offspring from organic breeding stock is eligible for organic slaughter. If conventional or transitional livestock are managed organically from the start of their third trimester of gestation, then the offspring is eligible for organic slaughter.

Dairy cattle have a one year transition before the milk produced is eligible for organic status. Poultry must be under organic management beginning no later than the second day of life.

Organic certification can be a great way to drive revenue growth on a new or existing farm.

If you are ready to consider becoming an organic certified producer, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help find funding. Find funding at:


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Is Buying Farmland a Good Investment?

Buying farmland can be a great investment opportunity for Canadians. There are many factors that make this true here a few of the basic ones:

  • Farmland will always be worth something. Regardless of the fluctuations in the stock market or residential real estate, farmland will always retain some value because it is required for the most basic of human needs: food production.
  • The supply of farmland is always decreasing as pressure from increasing populations lead to urban sprawl. Things go up in value when supply goes down.
  • Farmland can be used to create real value for the owner either in the production of food or can generate income when rented to another farmer.

Increasing populations in North America create an increase in demand for food, but no new farmland is being made. In some areas of North America, land prices per acre doubled in less than 3 years. Canadian farmland is uniquely positioned to increase in value even more as climate change disrupts weather patterns and US producers are marginalized.

So it is clear that buying farmland can function both as a resource for your farm, but also an investment that will appreciate in value for years to come.

If you are ready to consider purchasing farmland to start or grow a farm, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help. Find funding at:


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Women Farmers of Canada

over one-quarter (27.5%) of Canadian farmers are women
Over one-quarter of Canadian farmers are women.

Canada is the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world and over one-quarter (27.5%) of Canadian farmers are women. Women are an important part of the workforce in Canada, and an increasingly important part of the Agricultural production of our country.

Across Canada farmers — a majority of whom are men — are getting older. The next generation of farmers is slowly taking over. We have seen a major increase in the number of women taking over family farms, and entering the field as new farmers.

Women can face unique challenges as a working farmer. Finding a balance between a farm career and family goals can be hard. The lack of female role models and rural child care can limit networking opportunities and career growth. Commodity boards and the agribusiness industry are staffed more often by men, and this can create an atmosphere of a “boys club”.

Having women in decision-making positions could have an impact beyond gender equity. Women want more information before making decisions and might take fewer risks in stressful situations. In a farm with partner operators and more collaborative decision-making, there’s  more opportunity for balancing year-to-year yields rather than extreme highs and lows based on the risks that male operators are taking. This can be a great thing for the viability and long-term sustainability of a farm.

An open minded approach and support for women in farming will be good for the Canadian Farming sector and the Country as a whole.

If you are a woman farmer or a woman looking to start or buy a farm, Canadian Grants Business Center can help. Find funding at:


Or call us Toll-free at:


Farm Funding: Farm Grants & Farm Loans

Fall 2016

Canadian farm grants and farm loans are just some of the funding programs available to farmers to start, and grow their Canadian farm business. There are also tax credits and subsidies directed towards farm businesses.

In order to maximize your chances of success, it is important to start by asking yourself: Why do I want to be a farmer? If the answer is only to make money, then it may not be the best choice for you. If you want to farm because you plan to combine the lifestyle and business of farming, then it’s time to make a plan for your farming future.

A successful farm plan starts by making realistic projections about your access to the land, equipment, labour and funding required to undertake your project. Once you have decided what crops or livestock will perform well in your area you need to establish a plan that takes into account production and marketing issues.

It is often a good idea to seek professional assistance before you expand or start any new farming project. The Canadian Grants Business Center can provide you assistance in accessing the resources to fund your growing farm business.

When you are ready to start or expand your farming business, the Canadian Grants Business Center can help.

Contact us Toll-Free at 1-888-231-0075 or Contact us now to find out more!


5 Easy Farm Grants: Government funding for Farms

The agriculture industry is a hot commodity for government investment. These investments usually bring jobs, market stabilization, environmental improvements, and health benefits to consumers. Below are the top 5 Agricultural initiatives you could be doing right now to obtain Government Funding:Two Young Yellow chicks

  • Go Organic: By going organic not only are you making your produce healthier to consume for the average customer you are
    also decreasing any environmental hazards that may come from your product processes. Government agencies love these types of commitments as it’s a positive political position shown to the mass populace. Targeting this area will more likely help with your quest for government funding.
  • Humane Environment for Livestock: Just as the Go Organic craze, is a positive political position for the Government, the Humane Livestock is an area that will most likely help you get government funding while doing what is naturally right for your stock. Improving livestock area’s, feeding them healthier choices, and just finding ways to make the animals lives the best they can be, are all areas that can help in your quest for farm grants.
  • Equipment R&D: Coming up with more efficient ways to do your day to day job is something that the government loves. As if it’s something feasible, they can push as legislation to decrease costs all across similar agricultural markets. If you have a new way to formulate dairy products that are cheaper than current practices, the government will definitely give your business a few looks for investment.
  • Jobs: The labour market is slow at the moment, and any potential areas of job creation are   something the government will likely invest in. If you need employees for strenuous job roles, there maybe are subsidies from the government available to you in terms of government funding.
  • Grain: The grain market is hot right now, if your agriculture business main activity is Grain, there may be government funding for you to put towards harvesting and transportation.

For more information on Government Grants and Loans for Canadian Farmers, you can contact the Canadian Grants Business Center:

Call us at: 1-888-231-0075

Contact us now to find out more!